The inventions
The novel includes the original plans of the inventions that the team develops. Each one of them appears to double page and color.
Thanks to this invention, millions of nanorobots are capable of making objects of all kinds. With a cubic structure and a series of sensors occupying each of its 8 vertices, the nanorobots are geotagged to know where they are at each moment and where they should go. A three-dimensional map of the interior of the Cube of Bichitos is created. Each nanorobot receives its own location; the location where the atoms must go; the location where the transported atom must join; and to which adjoining atoms it must be bound by atomic bonds.
Later it was renamed with the name of Aladdin
- Fragment of the book
María interjected.— You mean you're going to make tiny" masons "who make bigger objects?
—Extactly María —Susana said—. Bichitos will be a printer that will have nanorobots that in parallel will make each object.
—How many nanobots will he have? — asked Fernando.
—Here comes the best —Susana said—. Depending on the number of atoms required and the algorithm being programmed by Luis and Fernando, Bichitos will determine how many nanorobots would be optimal to create to minimize manufacturing time.
—Each bug or nanorobot can make any object built with atoms, even more Bichitos. In this way, in the first phase the nanorobots will manufacture exponentially more nanorobots according to the size of the object to be manufactured. From that moment, among all and perfectly coordinated, they will build the object.
Looking like a cubic camera, Nautilus, was the device in charge of performing the 3D scanner of the object and send it to Bichitos for its creation. Once the object was scanned, it sent the computer a series of vital information:
- The number of atoms that make up the object, broken down by each type of atoms. A number of about 24 digits (Yottabytes)
- The amount of energy needed (W).
- The time necessary for its creation.
- Fragment of the book
Luis took the device and asked Athanasius for the keys of his car. He introduced them inside the Bichitos cube and with the device he focused a green light on him. After a few seconds the device emitted a sound and a green light blinked. At that moment on the screen of a computer next to Bichitos, appeared the 3D image of the keys of Athanasius and a series of data:
- Number of atoms that make up the object, broken down by each type of atoms: it was a number of 24 numbers (Yottabytes), and there were 9 different types of atoms.
- Required power: 15 W.
- Time: 3.05 hours.
—Boss, in three hours you have a copy of your keys. How about? —Luis asked proudly.
Aladdin Health
Aladdin Health is no longer a new version of Aladdin, although this time the name was chosen by the project's own followers. In the form of a rectangular capsule, Aladdin Health offers real-time monitoring of the health of your cells and can destroy cancer cells.
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—The nanogram of the pieces of the new version of Aladdín Health was uploaded to the Nanoshop. And with Aladdin standard versions can be replicated to build this version. The next day thousands of hospitals around the world that had tracked our progress had downloaded the Aladdin Health Parts and were building it, starting cancer treatments in terminal cases of maximum urgency.
Luis continued. —We have reported thousands of thanks and emails that we try to answer as we can with the support staff. We are delegating research centers that Lucia coordinates and join in the research and creation of nanograms for each type of cancer. And they also help us answer other colleagues about the doubts in the application of this new therapy against cancer.
In order to monitor the health of the individual during the twenty-four hours of the day, Transcendental created the A-Watch, a wireless device that works independently with a battery that can be replicated.
This bracelet integrates a microchip and the Aladdin Health operating system that controls nanoleukocytes. For use, the patient is placed in the Aladdin Heatlh and a total of 74 sensors (4 for each moving main area of the body) allows them to create a perfect georeference system.
- Fragment of the book
—For example —said Luis—, the sensor of each foot is formed by 4 sensors in the most extreme points of this, which are: little finger, thumb and both sides of the heel, or rather, the calcaneal bone. The 4 of the shoulder are located in the 4 extremities of the humerus head. The 4 that make up the head are: two at the ends of the frontal lobe, and two at the back, at the ends of the parietal.
Thus, in the main mobile areas of the body, a total of 13 x 4 = 72 sensors. This allows them to create a perfect georeference system, thus locating the patient's entire body, even when it is in motion. And at the same time, in this way they identify each nanoleukocyte where it is, and also each threat.
The nanopapelera is a novel invention of recycling, decomposes the object introduced into atoms, storing them and having the opportunity to reuse them to nanoreplicar other objects. This also allows for teleportation.
With an Aladdin device and the nanopapelera one begins to recycle and to decompose in different atoms, taking them to their compartments of raw material of elements of the periodic table. On the other hand, another device Aladdin receives the nanogram and begins to nanoreplicate it using the elements of the periodic table that had in its lateral cubicles. Recycling is combined with nanoreplication but doing so in real time gives us the impression that the object is being teleported.
- Fragment of the book
The Nanopapelera had octagon base and lid. The walls and lid were of a nanomaterial similar to methacrylate. At the top, under the cover was the scanning device, Nautilus.
Julio opened the top lid and deposited the skin of a banana. Each of the 8 lateral walls had at its base 15 small deposits, each of a color, where the atoms of each of the elements of the periodic table were deposited, thus leaving a free space
After depositing the skin of the banana and pressing a button on the lid, Nautilus proceeded to perform a scan of the residue. A few seconds later, the skin of the banana began to disintegrate, appearing different paths of gray matter that went to several of the 119 deposits. After 6 minutes the skin was gone.
On the top was a digital display showing the number of recycled atoms in each element of the periodic table.